Texting and Beyond

Texting and Beyond

Short Message Texting is well accepted marketing utility used as a direct marketing channel that utilizes Mobile operators network to reach your target audience. Businesses use it to send promotional offers, transactional alerts, and other time-sensitive messages directly to a customer‘s mobile phone.

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Powerful Utility:

  • High Open Rates: Studies show that Text messages have open rates exceeding 90%, significantly higher than email marketing.
  • Direct Reach: Everyone keeps their phone close by, so Short Message Service offers a high chance of reaching your audience directly.
  • Sense of Urgency: Text messages are often seen as urgent, prompting recipients to take action quickly.
  • Two-Way Communication: Short code SMS codes allow for basic two-way communication, enabling customers to respond with questions or requests.

Use Cases

  • Promotional Offers: Send exclusive discounts, coupons, and flash sales to drive traffic and boost sales.
  • Appointment Reminders: Remind customers about upcoming appointments or bookings.
  • Transactional Alerts: Provide order confirmations, shipping updates, and delivery notifications.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Enhance security by sending one-time codes for login verification.
  • Customer Engagement: Run contests, polls, or loyalty programs to increase customer interaction.
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Hygiene Check

  • Build an Opt-in List: Always obtain explicit consent from customers before adding them to your SMS marketing list.
  • Listing in DLT: TRAI is the telecom authority which regulates MNOs and enterprises need to list as a registered telemarketer with any of MNOs‘ portals.
  • Choose a Reliable SMS Marketing Platform: Videostori has an inbuilt SMS platform which offers features like message scheduling, audience segmentation, and performance tracking.
  • Craft Compelling Messages: Keep your texts concise, informative, and include a clear call to action.
  • Respect Sending Frequency: Don‘t bombard customers with texts. Aim for a strategic schedule based on your campaign goals.
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